Air conditioning with heating

Air conditioning is rarely used for cooling, even in midsummer our weather is rather moderate, temperatures above 30�C are the exception even in midsummer. But if in August the 'Calima', a hot desert wind from the Sahara gets lost to us, then we can also get over 35�C and after a few days one is thankful for an air conditioning. The systems operate mainly according to the construction principle of the air-air heat pump and are therefore quite energy-efficient (in cooling mode usually with an efficiency of 1:3, in heating mode of 1:4), so that electricity costs and CO2 emissions also remain within limits, especially as the systems are rarely used and the temperature differences to be compensated are not very large. In this respect, these systems are also often and gladly used for heating: Since they only have to run rarely and usually very briefly, but react quickly, an ideal heating system for most houses.